
VIDEO — Astronumerology of 2023: specific examples of how the Universal Year 7 energy unfolded this year

2023 is 2+0+2+3=7

7 is tied to Neptune (big-picture) and Mercury (specifics) energy.

This video examines many specific examples and coincidences that illustrate how the Number 7 energy actually unfolded this year.

The Number 7 is metaphysical and often takes an analytical approach to mysticism.  This number is associated with being inventive and is good for introspection and intuition but on the negative side it can be cynical, withdrawn and egotistical.

Speaking of ego, Venus stayed extra long in egotistical Leo this year due to a retrograde.  Venus entering Leo (amid a Leo stellium at the time) ushered in the huge Canadian forest fires, massive focus on children in a variety of ways, and eventually the Israel-Palestine “conflict” actually also erupted as we got to the end of that Venus in Leo journey and approached another Solar and Lunar Eclipse which obviously brought fated events.  Leo is ruled by the Sun.  The Sun is what ANY year is based off of as it takes a year for the Earth to fully orbit the Sun, as we all know.  The Israel-Palestine conflict had much to do with the Aries energy this year which arrived earlier and which is about passion, taking action, planting seeds, putting yourself first while avoiding overthinking but this energy also can be about war.

Fire energy from the Aries-Libra nodal axis shift which arrived July 17th kicked of an approximately 18 month cycle associated with the Eclipses and amplified our ego collectively for better or worse but also made those who misused ego scramble to over-emphasize relationships, diplomacy, superficiality and partying.  Air is about thoughts and communication. The superficiality of Libra Air energy was amplified in advance by Pluto briefly in Air-sign Aquarius earlier in the year which was BIG NEWS and this innovative Aquarius energy magnified any inventiveness associated with Number 7 (as well as caused us to focus more on humanitarianism and the good of the group, as a main feature of this year was the onset of a humanitarian disaster).  Pluto in Aquarius brought us inventive developments like AI-art and Chat-GPT.  Notice how art itself is associated with Pisces/Neptune energy.  Furthermore, notice how Chat-GPT revolutionized research and communication which is a Gemini/Virgo/Mercury thing.  This is what I mean by Number 7 energy merging big-picture with specifics.  Too much “big-picture” will get you divorced from the reality on the ground while too much focus on specifics can give you “tunnel vision”.

Aquarius used to be ruled by Saturn which actually entered Pisces March 7th this year and then later went Retrograde at the 7th degree of Pisces on June 17th.  The 17th degree in Astrology is a “Leo degree”.  The Number 17 was found in many ways surrounding this Israel-Palestine madness.  You might think these are all separate events but nothing is separate from anything else.  Understanding that is the key to understanding the lessons of 2023. Pisces/Neptune energy is also about fantasy.  Fiction films fall into that category and apparently there was even a film titled “Leo” that was recently released this year.  Leo is the opposite of Aquarius which is currently ruled by Uranus, a planet that literally takes 17 hours to rotate, i.e. a “day” on Uranus lasts 17 hours.  Leo is creative like Pisces.

Saturn which is about reality checks is intricately tied to the developments this year since it is in a Neptune-ruled sign for literally around 2 years – Taskmaster Saturn will not leave this artistic/imaginative/forgiving/confusing Pisces until May 24, 2025.  That aforementioned “17” energy found in the historic October month of 2023 is basically 1+7=8.   Next year is 2024 which is 2+0+2+4=8 and so 2024 will be a Number 8 Universal Year and that Number 8 is tied to Saturn via Astronumerology, hence getting real about any Pisces/Neptune qualities this year will help you have an easier time next year.  Number 7 energy can be withdrawn, as I mentioned, so the escapist tendencies of Pisces energy will not help with that but if used correctly the introspection will give you proper context.  Getting real about who deserves your compassion and who is squeezing too much out of you in 2023 is crucial for avoiding materialism in 2024 and for having enough energy left over to be ambitious and determined.  Aquarius, after all, is famous for “ghosting” so don’t let this overthinking attribute of Number 7 overwhelm you into needlessly burning bridges.  We will get much more Pluto in Aquarius in 2024.  Many changes are coming for all of us.

Neptune rules boundary-lacking Pisces so in this video you’ll see many examples of things literally merging, sometimes in a bizarre way.  As I said, this year was about MERGING big-picture mystical hippie (and sometimes illusory) Pisces/Neptune energy WITH “on-the-ground” data/statistics/logic/communication-oriented (and sometimes neurotic) Gemini/Virgo/Mercury energy.

Join me on this wild ride where I show a unique bird’s eye view of the most crucial (and odd) events found within 2023.  You will likely NOT find this information anywhere else quite like this.

VIDEO — 💡🤯I fixed the light again 😳⚡️

There are two light bulbs, those tube-like kind, in that one light fixture on my kitchen ceiling, and they are controlled by a single light-switch. In other words, they’re supposed to both be “on”. At the beginning of the video, one of the light bulbs — which is somewhat behind the working light bulb — is only at about 1% or 5% the brightness it should be (if that) and it occasionally flickers although this is near impossible to see from where the camera is BUT I used what some call #Telekinesis or #psychokinesis or #pk or #electrokinesis to make BOTH lights operate at 100% brightness and this is clearly evident by the end of the video.

Fast-forward to about 5 minutes into the video to see the successful attempt (or click here or here or here).

The “Expression Number” aka “Destiny Number” branch of Numerology — which some people call Gematria — corroborates my abilities:

“Amir Alwani” = 47 (Full Reduction)
“Telekinesis” = 47 (Full Reduction)

“Amir Alwani” = 169 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Telekinesis” = 169 (Reverse Ordinal)

“Amir Alwani” = 70 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Repairs Light” = 70 (Full Reduction)

PODCAST — Potent News Podcast #006 💫 Astrology 8-29-2022 💫 Amir Alwani

via Potent News
by Amir Alwani
Aug 30, 2022

In this episode I describe some of the astrological aspects occurring in the near future as well as what I think the tone of September will generally be and what planets/signs/energies seem to be under the most pressure. I also occasionally show some tidbits that illustrate the overlap between numerology and astrology.

(recorded 8-29-2022)


CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to Potent News Podcast #006 via Podcasts.com


WATCH “Amir’s Gematria Adventures” VIDEO SERIES:



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